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Ultimate Guide:Wire Feeding in Laser Welding

Laser welding is a cutting edge technique that offers precision and efficiency in various manufacturing processes. A critical component of this process is the wire feeder, which ensures the consistent delivery of the welding wire to the laser. Here, we explore wire feeders used in la soudure au laser.

What is Laser Welding Wire?

Laser welding wire is a thin, flexible wire used in conjunction with laser welding machines to fuse materials together. It’s typically made from metals like stainless steel, aluminum, or titanium, chosen for their ability to melt and bond efficiently under the intense heat of a laser.

Laser Welding Filler Wire Application

Industrie automobile

In the automotive industry, laser welding wire is used to assemble car bodies, engine parts, and other components. The precision of laser welding ensures that each part fits together perfectly, enhancing the vehicle’s overall quality and performance.

Industrie aérospaciale

The aerospace industry relies on laser welding wire for the assembly of aircraft and spacecraft. The strength and precision of the welds are crucial for ensuring the safety and reliability of these high-stakes vehicles.

Medical Devices

Medical devices often require tiny, precise welds that can only be achieved with laser welding wire. This method is used to assemble components like surgical instruments and implants.


In the electronics industry, laser welding wire is used to connect tiny components in devices like smartphones, laptops, and other gadgets. The precision of laser welding ensures that these delicate parts are joined without damage.

Types of Laser Welding Filler Wire

  • Solid Wire: Made of a single metal type, offering consistent performance.
  • Flux-Cored Wire: Contains flux that helps in cleaning and protecting the weld area.
  • Composite Wire: Combines multiple metals for enhanced properties.

3 Types of Wire Feeders for Laser Welding

Push-Type Wire Feeders

Push-type wire feeders are the most straightforward and commonly used wire feeders in laser welding. They are designed to push the welding wire from the spool to the welding torch.

The wire is driven by a set of motorized rollers located at the feeder. These rollers push the wire through a conduit and into the weld area. The push-type feeder is typically positioned near the welding machine, allowing for a relatively simple setup.

Pull-Type Wire Feeders

Pull-type wire feeders operate by pulling the wire through the conduit from the feeder to the welding torch. This method can be more effective for delivering the wire over longer distances.

The pull-type feeder is equipped with a set of rollers at the torch end, which pull the wire through the conduit. This setup reduces the risk of wire deformation and provides a more consistent wire feed.

Push-Pull Wire Feeders

Push-pull wire feeders combine the benefits of both push and pull mechanisms, offering the most reliable and flexible solution for wire feeding in laser welding.

This system uses a push feeder to deliver the wire from the spool to the torch, while a pull mechanism at the torch end ensures the wire is fed smoothly and consistently. The push-pull system is highly effective in minimizing wire deformation and ensuring a steady feed rate.

Advantages of Laser Welding Wire

Precision and Efficiency

Laser welding wire allows for incredibly precise welds, making it ideal for delicate tasks accuracy is paramount. The focused laser beam ensures that the weld area is minimal, reducing the chance of damage to surrounding materials.

Réduction des déchets de matériaux

Because laser welding is so precise, there’s less material waste compared to traditional welding methods. This not only saves money but also makes the process more environmentally friendly.

High-Quality Welds

The welds produced by laser welding wire are typically smoother and stronger than those made by other welding methods. This results in a more durable final product that requires less finishing work.

Laser Welding Technology Demand for Welding Wire

Laser welding is renowned for its ability to produce high-precision welds with minimal distortion. This level of precision is crucial in industries the quality and integrity of the weld are paramount.

1. Laser Welding Without Filler Metal:

  • In certain applications, laser welding doesn’t require any welding wire at all. This is known as conduction mode welding.

2. Laser Welding With Filler Metal:

  • However, in many other situations, welding wire, also called filler metal, is crucial for laser welding.
    • Joining dissimilar metals: Quand welding different metals, their properties might not fuse perfectly on their own. Filler metal acts as a bridge, creating a stronger and more compatible bond.
    • Filling gaps: If there’s a gap between the parts being joined, filler metal fills the void to create a complete weld.

Choosing the Right Laser Welding Wire

Factors to Consider

  • Compatibilité des matériaux: Ensure the wire is compatible with the materials being welded.
  • Wire Diameter: Choose the right diameter for the application.
  • Laser Type: Make sure the wire is suitable for the specific type of laser being used.

Common Materials Used

  • Acier inoxydable: Known for its strength and corrosion resistance.
  • Aluminium: Lightweight and conductive, ideal for electronics.
  • Titane: Strong and lightweight, perfect for aerospace applications.

When Does Laser Welding Need a Wire Feeder?

No wire feeder needed: If the laser welding uses conduction mode to simply melt the materials together to form a bond, then there’s no need for additional filler metal.

Wire feeder needed: A wire feeder becomes essential quand using filler metal in these scenarios:

  • Dissimilar metals: Joining metals with different properties often necessitates filler metal to create a strong and compatible weld. The wire feeder supplies this metal precisely into the weld zone.
  • Gap bridging: Laser beams are known for precision, but they might struggle to bridge larger gaps between materials. Filler metal, fed through the wire feeder, fills these gaps to ensure a complete and strong weld.

Tips for Using Laser Welding Wire

Best Practices

  • Proper Setup: Ensure your equipment is correctly set up.
  • Consistent Monitoring: Regularly check the weld quality.

Avoiding Common Mistakes

  • Clean the Weld Area: Remove any contaminants before welding.
  • Use the Right Wire: Choose the correct type and diameter for your application.


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