máquina de limpieza láser de mochilas

200w 300w laser cleaning machine for rust, paint, weld spatter, and oil


El lanzamiento de la máquina cortadora por láser de fibra de potencia ultraalta de 40.000 W es sin duda un gran avance. En demostraciones reales, los usuarios pueden experimentar personalmente los numerosos beneficios de aumentar la potencia del láser: la capacidad de cortar materiales más gruesos más rápido, con mayor precisión y con mejor calidad de corte. Además, esta máquina de corte por láser de alta potencia también tiene mayores beneficios económicos, lo que ayuda a los fabricantes de procesamiento por láser a ampliar su alcance en el mercado, mejorar aún más la eficiencia de la producción y reducir los costos.


Especificaciones técnicas

200w fiber laser cleaning machine

300w fiber laser cleaning machine


Máquina de limpieza láser de pulso de 200w

Laser cleaning head

The laser head is small and lightweight, weighing less than 1.2 kilograms. It is equipped with an auxiliary bracket and a dust-proof protective mirror. It can be widely used in various handheld cleaning scenarios. The high-quality laser beam of this equipment can easily meet various high-precision cleaning needs.

Easy to carry on the go

Featuring a suitcase-style design, it can be easily moved. The drawbar can be folded for easy storage and transportation in a vehicle. When in use, you can open the lever and pull it to where you need to work

limpiador láser de mochila


Puede cortar y perforar sin esfuerzo placas de metal gruesas de hasta 100 mm (3,94 pulgadas) de espesor
Adecuado para cortar acero inoxidable, acero dulce, acero al carbono, aluminio, cobre, latón, bronce, acero aleado, acero galvanizado, titanio, aleaciones de níquel y más.
Rangos de espesor de corte: Acero inoxidable 1-100 mm, Aluminio 1-80 mm, Acero al carbono 1-100 mm, Latón 1-30 mm


  • Automotive industry: to remove rust, paint, and weld spatter from car bodies
  • Aerospace industry: to clean aircraft components of contaminants
  • Fabricación industry: to clean molds and tools of residue
  • Restoration industry: to clean historical artifacts of dirt and grime
  • Electronics industry: to clean circuit boards of solder paste

how does a fiber laser cleaning machine 200w work

  • The machine generates short, intense pulses of laser light in the infrared spectrum, typically using a Nd:YAG or fiber laser source.
  • Cuando the laser pulse hits the surface, it instantly vaporizes a thin layer of the contaminant material through a process called laser ablation.
  • The rapid heating and expansion caused by the laser pulse creates a shockwave that dislodges and removes the remaining contaminant layer.
  • The laser beam can be adjusted in spot size, pulse frequency, and energy density to control the cleaning depth and speed for different materials and contamination levels.

How to buy 200w pulse laser cleaning machine

  • Potencia del láser: The laser power determines the cleaning power of the machine. A higher power is required for removing stubborn contaminants.
  • Longitud de onda: The wavelength of the laser determines the type of contaminants it can remove. For example, Nd:YAG lasers are good for removing rust, while CO2 lasers are good for removing organic materials.
  • Pulse width: The pulse width of the laser determines the intensity of the laser pulse. A shorter pulse width is required for cleaning delicate materials.
  • Scan field size: The size of the scan field determines the size of the area that can be cleaned at once. A larger scan field is required for cleaning large areas.
  • Price: The price of a 200w laser cleaning machine can vary greatly depending on the features and power.

Preguntas más frecuentes

While the complete 200W laser cleaning machine can weigh anywhere from around 12kg to 58kg, the handheld cleaning head or gun itself is designed to be lightweight, typically ranging from 650g to 1.5kg for portability and ease of use.
The wide variation in overall machine weight likely depends on factors such as the inclusion of a portable enclosure, cooling system, power supply, and other components beyond just the laser cleaning head..

  • Always wear appropriate safety glasses.
  • Nunca mire directamente al rayo láser.
  • Keep the laser beam path clear of obstructions.
  • Do not operate the machine in the presence of flammable materials.
  • Have the machine serviced by a qualified technician at regular intervals.

Pulsed 200W fiber laser cleaning machines use short, high-power pulses of laser light to remove contaminants. CW 200W fiber laser cleaning machines use a continuous beam of laser light. Pulsed lasers are better for removing delicate contaminants, while CW lasers are better for removing thicker contaminants.

The most common wavelength for 200W fiber laser cleaning machines is 1064 nm. This wavelength is safe for most materials and is effective at removing a wide variety of contaminants.

The spot size of a 200W fiber laser cleaning machine is the diameter of the laser beam at the point where it hits the surface being cleaned. The spot size can be adjusted to control the cleaning precision. A smaller spot size will result in more precise cleaning, but it will also take longer to clean a large area.

The working distance of a 200W fiber laser cleaning machine is the distance between the laser head and the surface being cleaned. The working distance can be adjusted to control the power density of the laser beam. A shorter working distance will result in a higher power density, which can be more effective for removing stubborn contaminants.

The lifespan of a 200W fiber laser cleaning machine will depend on the quality of the machine and how it is used. With proper care and maintenance, a 200W fiber laser cleaning machine can last for many years.

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